Monday, February 18, 2013

Night and Day

What a difference I've made in my life.  Nearly a year ago I was technically considered obese, and physically I was in pretty bad shape.  Fast forward to now.  I've lost over 50 lbs.  I'm in good condition, I exercise regularly, I eat well, and I'm happy.

The move to the city has been very well.  I love it here so much; I hope I can stay after my internship is done.  I love the people, the weather, the food, the sights, the sounds, the smells--yes, even the dirty subways--everything about this city makes me so happy I'm here.  My internship is hard, harder than I could imagine.  But it's enjoyable and rewarding as well.  I'm so glad I made the decision to travel for it.

Back to my physical fitness, after I finished the Couch-to-5K program I kept running, and I started rock-climbing at some local indoor gyms.  Fantastic workout!  Unfortunately that's not something I've been able to continue in New York but I'm on the lookout for new possibilities.  I ran my first 5K race in August at The Color Run and had a blast!  I'm currently signed up for a Mud Run in Brooklyn in June; hopefully I don't die!

My diet has evolved and changed over the past year.  I've been vegetarian off and on, but for the most part I consider myself flexitarian; I only eat meat occasionally.  My diet mostly consists of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and eggs.  I drink green tea almost daily.  I rarely consume dairy products, and meat even less.  I've learned to incorporate treats into my diet--it's good to have stuff like candy and cupcakes every once in a while in moderation, just to keep yourself sane.  But honestly most of the time I prefer my own cooking to meals eaten at restaurants--I love being able to make things exactly how I want, with the flavors and ingredients I want, and having control over the calories as well.  It's amazing how many restaurant foods have ridiculously high calorie counts.

Since starting my internship I've also taken the time to enjoy activities that I loved in the past, but during college have not had time to do.  I took an art class and got back into sketching, I've been able to read more books, and when the weather warms up I'm looking to take some riding lessons at a stable in Brooklyn.  A good friend of mine back in Texas recently bought a horse and has been training it herself--I miss having horses so much!  Someday I'll have them again, but until then, I'll have to make do with what I have available.

Anyway, that's about it for now.  Loving life and the decisions I've made.  So until next time...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The End Is Near

Hello all!

A very good update to report today.  I'm on the final week of the Couch to 5K program, with just two runs left until I'm finished!  Since I started this, I have lost 9 lbs., I can (fairly) comfortably run for half an hour, my clothes are getting loose, and my confidence is only gaining more and more.  After the program is over, I'm now asking myself, what next?

I have several options.  My goal for long-term sustainable health has really been divided into three phases.  Phase 1: Healthy Eating.  Phase 2: Cardiovascular Exercise.  Phase 3: Strength Training.  I'm hovering on the border between, should I continue my cardio as-is, intensify it, or move on to strength training?

I'd like to enter a 5K race soon.  Especially before summer gets too hot.  Once I've done that, I'm considering training to run up to a 10K.  Beyond that, I haven't decided yet.  Do I want to pursue half-marathons or full marathons?  (Those are 13.1 and 26.2 miles each, respectively.)  I don't know.  I suppose the best thing to do would be to work up slowly and see what happens.

Concerning strength training, I don't want to do anything too intensive, but I should round out my 3 days a week of cardio with at least two days a week of something else.  I guess it's just a little daunting because I may need to invest in some equipment or something, and I don't really know how to get started.  I really need a trainer...

Anyway, not only is the end of my C25K program near, I'm also just days away from finishing the semester!  I will be so relieved to have a break.  Of course during my break I'm going up to Iowa with B for his brother's college graduation, I'll be searching desperately for an apartment for the move, and I'm sure whatever spare time is left out of that I'll be visiting friends and family.  Not that I'm complaining, but it's going to be a busy break for sure.

I have to say, I'm very much looking forward to my internship, where my work ends with the school day, I can go home and not worry so much about homework, and I'm not having to sit in 3-hour lectures multiple times a week.  Of course it'll be like I have a real job, but honestly I'm looking forward to that.  I'm ready to not feel like a student anymore; I'm ready to be an adult!

Anyway.  I'm also ready to do some laundry and a little house-cleaning.  And probably go through my closet  yet again to prepare for my (probably) 300 sq. ft. future apartment.  I should probably get started on that.  So until next time...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


This is just a quick update, but an important one.  Now into my sixth week of the Couch-to-5K program, I am proud to call myself a runner.

This past Saturday, W5D3, was my 20-minute run.  I was terrified of it, scared that I wouldn't be able to do it. But boy was I wrong!  I did do it, and the rush of endorphins and emotions afterward made every second worth it.  Parts of it were excruciating, parts of it were simply a mind game, forcing myself to run.  I thought all kinds of weird thoughts.  Maybe if I throw up that's a good excuse to stop running.  Maybe if I just fall over onto someone's lawn, they'll think it really was too much for me.  Maybe...

So many maybes, but in the end I did it.  Today marked W6D1, and I made several mistakes.  The most glaring was that I decided to start my run at nearly noon, and it was just too hot.  Today's runs were 5 minutes, 8 minutes, 5 minutes; halfway through the 8 minutes I was absolutely dying.  I walked the last minute, and managed to only run around 2 of the 5 minutes next.  Disgusted with myself, but feeling as though I should have been able to do it, I brooded all day over what I should do.  I made up my mind to run tonight, when the temperature dropped.  I'm glad I did, because I was able to do it, and I felt so good.

On top of my running accomplishments, I've also managed to lose 6 pounds in the last 3 weeks.  This may not be much in the scheme of things, but it's 2 pounds a week; if I can continue at this rate, I'll meet my weight goal even sooner than I hoped.  Even if my rate does begin to slacken, it's still a great start and I'm proud of myself.

Anyway, that's all for now.  So until next time...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Battling Demons

Today marked Week 4 Day 1 of the Couch-to-5K program I've been following.  And it was a hard one.  After the warm-up, 3 minutes running, 1.5 minutes walking, 5 minutes running, 5 minutes walking, repeat.  I made it through the first two intervals, but after the second 3 minutes I was burning.  The second 5 minute interval I had to take several breaks, which amounted up to about a minute of walking.

I'm mad at myself for it.  I should have done it.  I did the first 5 minutes, why couldn't I do the second?  I shouldn't beat myself up, I know.  In the past few weeks I've improved so much in my physical ability, much more than I thought was possible.  I also made several mistakes today.  I went running much later than usual (my usual time is around 6-6:30 am, and today I went at 11:30), without having eaten anything to build up my reserve of carbohydrates.  It's no wonder I tired out.  Still, I won't make that mistake again Thursday.  I will not be weak.

Despite all that, I am proud of myself.  I'm glad I've progressed this far.  I bought my very first pair of real running shoes last week, and they feel great.  I've started counting calories and bought a scale, and I've already lost a pound in the last week.  If I can continue on my current path, I'll be well on my way to living a healthy, active lifestyle.  My goals for myself in the coming weeks are to continue C25K as planned, further develop my nutritional plan to ensure I have the proper energy to exercise, and also begin incorporating some different exercise activities into my off-days.  I haven't decided exactly what other types of exercises to do though.  There's so much information on the internet, I wish I could just get a personal trainer!

Anyway.  After writing my frustrations and goals, I'm actually feeling better about myself.  Thanks.  So until next time...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Up and Running

Literally.  This week I have been up and running.  Me, the most unathletic person in the world, the girl who even in elementary school hated "Monday Run-Day" on the track ... I have gone running, and enjoyed it, twice this week.

I've started a beginner running program, Couch to 5K (or C25K).  I downloaded a free app on my phone (C25K Free for Apple or Android users), and just decided to try it out.  It's a great program so far; it works to gradually bring you from a sedentary lifestyle to being able to run a 5K distance in 8 weeks, running 3 times a week.  You start off with a 5-minute warm-up walk, and then, at least for week 1, complete 20 minutes of intervals, 60 seconds jogging, and 90 seconds walking.  Then one more 5-minute cool-down walk, and you're done.  The first day was hard.  My diaphragm was aching.  My lungs were burning.  My legs were straining.  But I did it.  And boy did that cool shower feel good afterward.  Today I completed Week 1 Day 2, and it was remarkably easier.  Not easy, but definitely easier.  I found myself, as I neared the ends of the 90-second walking intervals, wondering when the jogging would start because I felt ready for it.  My next run will be Saturday, and I'm already looking forward to it.

Yesterday also marked the second week of which I have been participating in Lent; I decided to fast from meat and soda.  I am proud to say I have been successful!  I've been trying new vegetarian recipes, really pushing myself to incorporate more vegetables into my diet.  My body is my temple, the only place I have to live on this earth, and I need to treat it right.  After two weeks of a strictly enforced better diet, and now running thrown into the mix, I think I'm taking some pretty good steps toward better overall health and wellness.

Oh, and this past weekend I took my Dachshund Toby to our second ever field trial; he placed!  I was so proud of him, being able to display his natural talent for hunting, doing what his ancestors were bred to do.  I also met and networked with a lot of really cool people, and plan on continuing even after we move to The City.  (Which by the way, is only 4 months away now!  Yay!!!)

Anyway.  Life is good right now.  Jam-packed busy, but good.  School is in full-swing, but soon enough I'll be moving on to the next chapter in my life.  I can't wait!  So until next time...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Start Spreading the News

There are some bright lights on my horizon...
Yes, in about 6 months, I will be moving to The City, The Big Apple, The Capitol of the World, Gotham, The City That Never Sleeps...New York City.  

After a lot of phone calls and mailed resumes and nail-biting, I had an interview which secured my internship.  I will actually be working just outside the city in a Westchester town, but my plans are to live in and commute from the city.  

I'm so thrilled, for a multitude of different reasons!  For starters, I will be switching to a lifestyle dependent on public transportation.  I can count myself out of the gas-guzzling population of America.  Second, the food.  I could write an essay on the million ways that food in the city is superior to everything everywhere else.  Not only is it a mecca for foodies and chefs nationwide (worldwide?), there are countless markets for me to take advantage of to bring out and develop my own inner chef.  Third, the history, the art, the architecture, the culture...well okay so maybe that's several things, but it's really not easy to wrap up why the city is so amazing.  

Now I just have to prepare for the changes coming to my lifestyle.  I've already cleaned out my closet several times in preparation for downsizing (I'm expecting to live in something roughly the size of a shoe-box), and I could probably stand to clean it out again.  Some things it's difficult to decide what to do with, like my massive collection of Disney VHS tapes.  I know I can leave them with family for safe-keeping, but I do wish they could come with me!  Also my ever-growing number of books.  I can't help it, I like to read!  I would consider some sort of e-reader, but when it comes down to it, I simply don't buy new books often enough to justify it.  Plus I find great enjoyment in searching through the odd independent or used bookstore, whether I buy something or not.  And then there's the matter of libraries.  I know you can rent e-books from libraries for free now, but you can also rent physical books for free without the $200 cost of the e-reader.  But we'll see.  After several months of riding a train for an hour every morning, maybe I'll want something small and light to carry my book collection with me for the commute.  

Anyway, when it comes down to it I simply need to simplify, and determine what are the important things I can't live without.  So should all aspects in my life be, simple.  Simple possessions, simple food, simple relationships...clutter and complication never helped anybody.  

B is excited for my move, although this means some serious long-distance for probably the next two years.  I'm not worried, considering most of our 7-year relationship has been long-distance.  He went back to school yesterday pursuing his new scientific career in physics, and I start my semester this afternoon.  This semester is going to be only more involved than the last, which means yet again I'll have practically no spare time.  But in just a few months it will be over, the light is at the end of the tunnel, and for the first time in nearly 20 years I won't have to attend school!  I'll just work at one; oh the irony.  

So my mantra for the coming months will be "simplicity".  If I can keep focus on that in all aspects of my life, it's only a matter of time before I'll be on my way to the next chapter of my story.  Until next time...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Less of Me

I have officially lost 20 lbs. since the beginning of the year! 

I was so ecstatic when I learned this three days ago, when I hopped on my Wii Fit for a little indoor exercise.  I'm on the third notch in on my belt now, and moving toward the fourth.  I credit this mainly to my changed way of eating--whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole fresh dairy, and very little meat.  If I'm going to eat meat I really prefer seafood.  I don't go out to eat by myself, and minimize fast food as much as possible.  On average I think I've eaten it maybe once a month.  If I do go out with friends, I make an effort to steer us toward places with healthier options, like simple sandwiches and soups, and vegetarian choices. 

I'm also making an effort to become more active.  I'd really like to lose another 20 lbs. by the end of the year.  I've been biking my dog Ryder, which has been good for the both of us; I get exercise, and so does he, which helps him be calmer in the house.  When you live in an apartment with a high-energy dog, you have to learn how to provide proper exercise, or you risk your dog becoming destructive.  In addition to biking, I've also been working out on my Wii Fit, and within the next couple days I hope to start working out in the apartment gym.  It's only a little workout room, but it really has all the equipment I would need from a larger gym.  And it's free. 

Elsewhere in life, I started school again this week.  This semester is going to be extremely busy!  I'm finishing up the research project with my professors, and I'm going to start another with a different professor in the coming weeks.  I took a job as an Instructional Assistant, and will be devoting several hours a week to that as well.  In addition, one of my classes is Practicum, which entails 122 hours of time spent in a classroom this semester.  And on top of that, in another class I'll be conducting Universal Screening tests to at-risk children in the schools.  Needless to say, my spare time is fairly nonexistent.  As time-consuming as this semester will be, however, I'm actually really looking forward to it, and expanding my experiences. 

Anyway, that's all for now.  Just a quick update into my life.  So until next time...